Oakland Army Base – Caltrans Relocation
Focon furnished and installed wet utilities for Caltrans Laydown Yard, which included water lines, sanitary sewer lines, storm draining lines and pump station as a subcontractor.
Trail Renovation Sibley/Huckleberry Regional Preserve
Focon Repaired trails, repaved existing parking lot, improved signage and installed prefabricated restroom and drinking fountain as general contractor.
East Span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge
Focon installed a storm drain system at the approach to the Bay Bridge which included reinforced concrete pipe and drain inlets as a subcontractor.
Oakland International Airport Roadways and Curbsides
Focon installed the rebar, set anchor bolts and poured concrete for 136 canopies as a subcontractor.
Mandela Transit Village
The Mandela Transit Village project is a $900 million, multiphase office, housing and retail development located around the West Oakland BART station. Leveraging the untapped value of this transit oriented development site revitalizes the greater West Oakland area. The development which lies in the heart of historic West Oakland centers around a uniquely important transportation […]
Calvin Simmons Middle School
New construction and tenant improvements were performed in a Cahill/Focon Joint-Venture at Calvin Simmons Middle school in Oakland in two phases. Phase I included the new construction of a two-story Career Tech Lab, and Phase II included the modernization of existing classrooms and site improvements.